The New Year Bathroom Reset: Freshen Up and Clean out Your Cabinet

The New Year Bathroom Reset: Freshen Up and Clean out Your Cabinet

Freshening up your home doesn’t have to wait for Spring; the new year can be “a whole new you,” but it can also be more subtle, more behind the scenes. We suggest starting where it truly matters most, the bathroom.

We firmly believe that a shower can be the difference between saving the day and better luck tomorrow! A quick coat of paint on the bathroom walls, a nice picture hung, a refresh of your cabinet, and an amazing bar of soap in the bath might be all you need to start things off on the right foot.

Here at SallyeAnder, we aim to ensure you have essentials for your home and skin that are effective and also a delightful experience.

By the end of the year, we know how the bathroom and cabinet can become a minefield. The products you purchased while scrolling through social media to fluff your curls, two empty bottles of infant Tylenol from peak flu season, Q-Tips, half-empty tins of beard balm, that earring you thought you lost in November, you get the point. Let’s start fresh…

Clean out Cabinets:

  1. Take everything out and put it off to the side on the floor or a table
  2. Wipe down your shelves and doors
  3. Organize your things into piles. We recommend: 
  • Make up
  • Skincare
  • Hair care
  • Medicine and Prescriptions
  • Accessories
  1. Remove anything old, discolored, didn’t work, and expired. Recycle when you can and dispose of medicine safely

Clean Bathroom:

  1. Clean tub and shower floor and walls
  2. Clean the sink and put a soap saver or on of the super cool concrete soap dishes on the counter that extends the life of your soap 
  3. Purchase a shower caddy, soap saver, or silicone soap dish for your body and hair wash in the shower
  4. Wash all baseboards and wipe down walls

Choosing your soaps: 

Here are four ways to choose your body and hair care soaps with SallyeAnder. 
  1. The Minimalist: Black Soap or KRUDD All-In-One Bar
  2. The Every Bar Serves a Purpose: Shampoo Bar, Complexion Bar, Essential Soap Bar, Shave Bar
  3. The I’m Here For the Incredible Scents: 3 Essential Soaps for whatever mood you’re in
  4. The Naturalist: Shampoo Bar and Hogwash!

Choosing your daily essentials to start the year:

These are the ten soaps, balms and accessories to start your year; rounding out your cabinet, shower, and home. 

  1. Rescue Me (We recommend two - one for purse/bag, one for home)
  2. Heavy Duty Hand Therapy
  3. Nourish (use for lips too!)
  4. Essential Soap
  5. Shampoo Bar
  6. Face Mask
  7. Hogwash (We recommend two - one for laundry room, one at the kitchen sink)
  8. Deo Stone
  9. Ayate Soap Pouch
  10. Nailbrush

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  • I never thought about a bathroom reset but now I have. Better later than never.

  • Just wanted to wish all of you guys a Happy New Year!
    I hope you feel the love coming your way from me and I’m sure many more that enjoy your products every day making you a big part of our family’s lives.
    I thank you for all you do to make this world a little nicer to live in.

    Shelley L KeeneyHewitt

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