The SallyeAnder Guide to Lip Care

The SallyeAnder Guide to Lip Care

SallyeAnder loves making lip balm, and our customers love that we do! Using all-natural ingredients, our lip balm collection is a 5-star customer favorite. In this post, we’ll share four reasons why you should care for your lips. Plus, we’ll give you an overview of the ingredients that make our lip balm so unique.

4 Benefits of Lip Balm

The skin on our lips is relatively thin and prone to drying out or becoming ‘chapped’. One dermatologist noted that the skin or our lips dry out up to 10x faster than any other skin on our face. Ouch!  Lip balm can help our lips to retain moisture. This is beneficial not only during the summer but also during winter, where our lips may be the only skin not covered. That dry, cold, and windy air can really do damage to your lips, so make sure to have the lip balm ready.

Want to have lips that appear more supple and plump? Grab some lip balm! By helping your lips to retain moisture, they will appear fuller and more youthful. Another reason to use lip balm is that it can make applying lipstick easier. Be sure to apply a thin layer for best results. 

Lastly, in the event that your lips do become chapped, lip balm can help them heal faster. One pro tip is to apply lip balm before bed. This will help lips heal and stay protected, especially since we are prone to sleep with our mouths open, which about 61% of us do.

SallyeAnder Lip Balm to the Rescue!

We understand the importance of lip balm and the need for quality ingredients. Hence, we offer 5 different balms: Apple Crisp, Shea & Olive Oil, Winter Ice, Candy Cane, and Tea Tree & Lemon. What ingredients do we use in our lip balms that can help to keep your lips healthy? Here’s what you’ll discover:

Beeswax: A powerful moisturizer, beeswax helps to keep your lips hydrated and conditioned. It creates a protective barrier while still allowing your lips to breathe. 

Cocoa Butter: Extracted from roasted cocoa beans, cocoa butter is a moisturizing powerhouse. Used for over 3,000 years, it contains phytochemical that can help keep both your body and skin healthy

Olive Oil: Olive oil is nature’s antioxidant, antibacterial and moisturizing superstar. Used for thousands of years in a myriad of applications, this vitamin-rich oil helps to promote healing. 

Shea Butter: Extracted from the African shea tree, this nutty moisturizer contains fatty acids and nutrients that soften, soothe and heal the skin. Shea butter is known for its hydrating, healing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties.

Can’t decide on a single lip balm? Don’t despair! Why choose just one when you can try them all with our handy lip balm set? The powerful ingredients we use help to make our lip balms a must-have for your daily use.

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.

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1 comment

  • My daughter is allergic to almonds and tree nuts. Could she use your lip balm?

    Barb Gilbert

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