Ingredient Feature: Thyme

Ingredient Feature: Thyme


Native to southern Europe, this aromatic plant has been well-regarded for centuries. It was a favorite of ancient Greeks and Romans, in fact, its name is believed to come from either the Greek thymon, which translates to “to burn as incense or to offer incense or sacrifice” or thumon, which means courage. Thyme was believed to instill bravery! 

Thyme shines in herbal medicine as a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial for the skin. Infusions of thyme are used topically to treat bacterial infections. The essential oil can soothe and clarify sebaceous glands, blemishes, acne, fungal rashes, clogged pores, and Candida.

The essential oil of thyme is steam-distilled from the aerial parts– the dried leaves and flowers. The volatile oil that gives it its primary fragrance is thymol, which is balmy, spicy, and herbaceous. In aromatherapy, thyme essential oil is considered a middle note; middle notes are the “heart” of an essential oil blend, the scent that persists after the top notes - which are more volatile - have evaporated.

Used therapeutically, the scent of thyme is a nerve tonic. It’s been traditionally used to relieve mental disturbances, memory loss, melancholy, and nightmares. Thyme is unique in that it’s considered to be both stimulating and relaxing, and can be used in combination with other botanicals for many different types of formulas. 

As a culinary herb, thyme is equally versatile. It’s popular for flavoring soups, stews, stuffings, and sauces. It performs well in slowly cooked dishes and doesn’t overpower other flavors. It’s so delicious paired with honey; we love it on toast for a sweet and savory treat! (Click here for the recipe!)


You can find thyme essential oils in many SallyeAnder products, including:


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1 comment

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